Greater St. Louis
Shetland Sheepdog Club
Greater St. Louis
Shetland Sheepdog Club
Trimming your dog’s nails is one of the most important ways to care for your dog. The worst problem with long nails is NOT that it hurts when they scratch you. Long nails can actually cripple your dog over time, so it’s very important to keep nails trim.
Whichever method you try, you need to know the anatomy of a dog’s nail (below). If you trim too short, the dog will bleed from its quick.
Use a light touch (no death grips on your dog’s paws) and lots of patience. Have confidence in yourself - the dogs can sense fear. Try different ways to hold your dog. Some will lay quietly on their side, and others will do better cradled on their back in your lap.
Sharp pliers type clippers have two blades that slice through the nail easily. The Millers Forge clippers shown is approx $5, and the blunt-nose scissors shown is approx $10.
1. Lay the dog on its side.
2. Holding the clippers perpendicular to the nail, take several thin slices of nail until you reach the quick.
3. Use the scissors to trim hair around the foot, and trim under the foot to be even with the pads. This will prevent slipping.
use a dremel
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